Gazette column: When others disagree with us, we must respect that

It’s “Thursday Thoughts” where I post my weekly Gazette newspaper column to my blog so you can have a read…

This week my column for the Gloucestershire Gazette is about Olveston and how some impromptu paintings are causing other peoples opinions and wellbeing to be forgotten .

To read it, simply click to my Column page.

What do you think? Do we have to respect other people’s opinions? Or are some thoughts just not meant to be aired? Let me know.

**OUT THIS SATURDAY: My latest column for  Gloucestershire Citizen and Echo newspaper.  Catch the Weekend Magazine on their website link here**

**Look out for  Wednesday Wafflings next, um, Wednesday, where I post the latest entry in My Diary of a Hopeful Author**

4 thoughts on “Gazette column: When others disagree with us, we must respect that”

  1. It seems to me that people have forgotten what freedom of expression is. I hear and see many things on a daily basis that both offend and infuriate me, but respect others right to comment. I can condemn and argue their points with logic. Perhaps the complainer in your article should have the “heavies” around at his home and remove his wallpaper, lounge suite, books, clothing or anything else that “offends” others delicate feelings.

    The fact that the “heavies” are reacting at all is just another indication of the psychotic episode we are living through. Fear is the only thing to be feared.


  2. Hi nikki

    Hope you are well.

    Would you be interested in or able to come into school one day to talk to a small group of students about being a writer of books and articles ie journalism? Probably older students maybe gifted and talented?


    Sent from my iPad


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