My Citizen & Echo column: Why Miss.Piggy is my feminism hero

Welcome to “Monday is the new Saturday” where I pop the link to my Weekend magazine column ‘The Last Word’ from the Gloucestershire Citizen and Echo…

My Weekend column on Saturday was all about Miss.Piggy and how, as an icon of my childhood, she is the true feminism hero. I’ve stuck the column on my Citizen column page here so you can have a read.

You can also catch me each week on the Citizen and Echo Weekend magazine website. There’s lots of other weekend stuff on there, too.

The Citizen & Echo Weekend magazine comes out every Saturday.

Miss.Piggy – a feminist hero or not? Who’s your hero? Let me know.

**Look out for Wednesday Wafflings on, um, Wednesday, where I post my weekly entry in my Diary of a Hopeful Author**

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